One Piece is turning twenty this year, and the franchise is going all out with its celebrations. The hit manga series serialization premiered with its first chapter, “Romance Dawn” back on July 19, 1997.To celebrate this momentous achievement, One Piece 20 th Anniversary figures will be released from October. The BIG fan of ONE PIECE should not miss this opportunity! 🤣🤣😘 1. Monkey · D · Luffy 😍 Figuarts ZERO ONE ver PIECE 20 anniversary." Than the first series Luffy appeared!Attention to shaping and coloring, reproduce the illustrations of the image!Also it comes with a luxurious sofa that Luffy can sit To stout! You could pre-order Luffy in njoyjapan: 2. Nami Nami measures approximately 3 inches high and comes with a custom base. Her alternate facial expression is sold with the Brook figure. The new Nami figure will capture Oda’s art perfectly, and you can’t help but falling for the thieving cat. Th...
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