Have you
ever been playing outside and suddenly heard something rustling in the grass,
or maybe noticed leaves jostling unexpectedly? Ever get the feeling there might
be something out there? It could very well be a Kobitos. The fields and meadows
that we pass everyday aren't just home to insects and animals. Kobitos live
there too. Come to njoyjapan and find your favorite Dwarves.
1.Hiding Peach
Bottom Kobitos

Hiding Peach
Bottom Kobitos are about 15cm (including tendril) and live in Peach orchards.
They always live off ripe peaches and are not interested in unripe fruit. They
like to suck out the sugar in peaches. They are very popular in Japan.
Flower Head Kobitos
Flower Head Kobitos‘ Height is about 8cm - 12cm
(including tendril) . They lives in wet grassy areas. They look like Small but ferocious and always
hunts in small groups and constant fighting within group. They mostly insects
and lizards, and small animals such as mice.
3.Vibes Dapple
Vibes Dapple
Kobitos’ Height is about 18cm - 20cm (not including tendril). They Park and
yards with a lot of greenery. They are usually easy going, but scary when
angered. They Move around, and don't live in a fixed. They are Herbivore;
particularly fond of herbs.
4.Stormy Black
Wing Kobitos
Stormy Black
Wing Kobitos’ Height is about 19cm - 21cm (not including tendril). They grave and
collapsed trees. They are very wild and untamed and strongly dislikes clean
things. They often accompany crows and black cats. They are Omnivore and enjoy
eating everything.
5.Dapple Leaf
Big Kobitos
Dapple Leaf
Big Kobitos’ Height is 15cm - 20cm (not including tendril). They like to live
in grassy areas with good sunlight. They are Timid and easily frightened and
molt as it grows bigger. They are Herbivore, so Fond of flower nectar and
Kobito Dukan
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